Have you spotted the latest Wi-Fi 7 advert on telly? You know, the one boasting lightning-fast speeds and promising to revolutionise your home network? Perhaps it grabbed your attention for a moment, but then you stopped and wondered, “Is this just more marketing bullsh*t?”
Well, you’d be absolutely right to question it! Don’t get me wrong—Wi-Fi 7 comes with some truly exciting innovations that could shape the future of connectivity. But let’s take a moment to separate the sizzle from the steak. Is this new router upgrade really going to solve all your network problems, or is it just another shiny gadget you don’t actually need?
Let’s cut through the hype and get to the facts.
WWi-Fi 7, also known as 802.11be (if you prefer your tech terms extra nerdy), is the next major leap in wireless networking. It’s designed to be:
Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But here’s the catch—none of these benefits matter if the rest of your setup isn’t up to scratch. Which brings us to…
Let’s be clear: Wi-Fi 7 is only as good as the internet connection it’s working with. If your broadband plan tops out at 100Mbps, that brand-new router won’t magically deliver gigabit speeds. It’s like buying a sports car and then complaining when you’re stuck in traffic.
Currently, the best broadband plans in the UK (we’re looking at you, BT, Virgin Media, and Sky) offer speeds of up to 900Mbps. That’s impressive, but it’s still a far cry from the multi-gigabit potential of Wi-Fi 7. Unless broadband providers step up their game, a Wi-Fi 7 router will be more future-proof than practical for most households.
Your router might be Wi-Fi 7-ready, but what about your devices? Most of today’s smartphones, laptops, and smart TVs are still catching up to Wi-Fi 6. Without Wi-Fi 7-compatible devices, your router’s fancy new capabilities will just be sitting there, unused.
Let’s face it—most of us use our home networks for streaming Netflix, scrolling Instagram, or gaming online. These activities rely on your broadband connection, not your router’s internal speeds. Wi-Fi 7’s benefits, like ultra-fast local transfers, are ideal for things like streaming 8K video across your local network. But honestly, how many of us are doing that at home?
This is the part that the adverts skip over: for Wi-Fi 7 to deliver its best performance, you need the right wired setup. And no, that cheap cable you grabbed from Amazon five years ago isn’t going to cut it.
For most households, Cat6 is perfectly adequate. If you’re planning for the future or have a complex setup with long cable runs, Cat6A is a smart choice. Anything less than Cat6, though, could bottleneck your network and hold Wi-Fi 7 back.
Cat7 sounds fancy, but it’s a solution looking for a problem. It’s not officially standardised and adds unnecessary cost for no real benefit in a home setup. Stick to Cat6 or Cat6A, and you’ll be laughing.
This is the elephant in the room. Wi-Fi 7’s headline speeds are meaningless if your broadband provider can’t keep up. And here’s the thing: none of the UK’s leading providers currently offer multi-gigabit speeds. At best, you’ll get up to 900Mbps. Whether they’ll roll out multi-gigabit plans soon remains to be seen.
Until then, buying a Wi-Fi 7 router is like owning the latest Bugatti car but only being able to drive it round Knightsbridge at 20mph, ok maybe that's a bad example - because that's what a Bugatti is actually for, but you get my point —you’re never going to reach top speed.
Not just yet. While Wi-Fi 7 is undeniably the future of wireless networking, the present just isn’t ready for it. With limited broadband speeds, device compatibility issues, and infrastructure challenges, most households and even commercial settings won’t experience its advertised benefits.
Does that make it all marketing hype? Not entirely. Wi-Fi 7 is impressive technology—it’s just a bit ahead of its time for the average user.
If you’re tempted to upgrade, here’s our advice:
Wi-Fi 7 is exciting, but for most households, it’s more sizzle than steak right now. Before splashing out on the latest tech, make sure you understand what you actually need. At Tekhs, we’re here to help you get the network that works for you—no bullsh*t included.
At Tekhs, we believe in cutting through the noise. Whether it’s Wi-Fi 7 or network cabling, we’ll give you honest advice that fits your needs—without the marketing spin. If you’re considering an upgrade or want to make sure your network is ready for the future, get in touch with us today.